The Custom IPTV Channel is a solution that allows to create TV channels from video files and Live TV streams and to multicast them over an IP network.
The Custom IPTV Channel gathers all the following features:
- A/V content agreggation and playlist edition
- Multicast channels broadcast programming
- Real time streams monitoring
- Dynamic selection of authorized viewers
- History of all activities and events
By offering to broadcast professional, educative, advertising or just informative content, the Custom IPTV Channel allows to enrich all StreamVision’s IPTV Solutions: Corporate, Hospitality, eLearning and Digital Signage.
Hereafter are the main examples of applications for the Custom IPTV Channel in various markets:
- Hospitality: thematic channels creation, Hotel internal communication, external parnerships (Restaurants, Show, Events...)
- Corporate : broadcast of corporate clips, live broadcast / event rebroadcast (conferences...)
- Digital Signage : video clips broadcast interspersed with breaking news / weather forecast / stock exchange / traffic information
- eLearning: targeted video courses broadcast by thema / level / language...
The Custom IPTV Channel can either be a stand-alone solution or be integrated as an independent module in a complete StreamVision IPTV architecture.